A Beginning.

It was in the beginning of February that I wrote this blog entry, talking about a stranger that kept smiling at me on BART…And how I passed him a note, telling him to find me on Facebook. Then a few days later, I wrote this entry about how he found me on Facebook, how we got to talking, how we went out for coffee and hit it off really well.


Well now, I’m writing this entry to say that he is officially my boyfriend. Though many of my friends have claimed that he was my boyfriend a while ago after several more dates. To me, you’re not in a relationship until it has been stated and agreed upon – that way there’s no room for confusion or some bullshit about “you never told me we were exclusive.”

One of the highlights from our conversation was after I asked him if he wanted to slap a label on this and make it all official, he was like, “Yeah I do! I like you enough to make you my girlfriend.” And I don’t know why, but that makes me grin from ear to ear.

In either case, this guy is totally awesome. He’s a hard worker, genuine, super nice, up-front, handsome, honest, and has an amazing sense of humor. We have a lot of similar interests. He’s also very comfortable to be around. I don’t know how to explain it except that I feel absolutely comfortable around him.

Part of me still feels like this is something out of a movie, as if things like this don’t happen in real life. I mean, I didn’t know this guy at all. And he kept smiling at me on BART. And I hand him a note to let him know who I was and how he could find me on Facebook. And it’s working out so well between us so far! I mean, out of all the creepy people and things I’ve experienced on public transit, this has to be the nicest and best story by far.

So, we’ll see how things go….As the adventures of Pixie and Buddy begins, I’m just going to take things one day at a time.